Back to School Specials - 50% off 02, facial waxing & Ionic foot detox
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Back to School Specials - 50% off 02, facial waxing & Ionic foot detox
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Sun Exposure can cause hyperpigmentation by activating melanosomes and small capillaries in the skin. This can lead to either a reddened or dark spotty appearance. These chromophores are targetted by a specific wavelength of light with our IPL technology. Book with us for a dark spot removal or a 1-1 consultation to correct the issue in 1-2 appointments!
Many People have a variety of birthmarks that are caused by a natural discoloration of the skin at birth. These can be varied sizes and colours appearing anywhere from a mole or freckle type mark, to a port wine stain. Depending on size, colour and location of the spot, we can target and correct the pigmentation. Come in for a 1-1 consultation to address the issue and receive a personalized program for treatment.
Spots and dots accumulate on the skin overtime and can regularly appear on the arms, shoulders, chest and face. These are easily treated with skin rejuvenation treatment with the Multichromatic Dermalase technology in only 1 or two treatments! Book a skin rejuvenation treatment or a 1-1 consultation to see results today!
Cherry Angiomas and red moles are a cluster area where capillaries meet and create a 3 dimensional extension from the skin. We MUST look at the mole before treatment as we need to have a medical guarantee that it isn't cancerous in any way. Please have the spot cleared by your doctor before coming in for a consultation. The Light targets the chromophores in the blood and cauterize the area causing the lymphatic system to flush the damaged tissues away. When booking, select spot treatment or skin rejuvenation treatment.